Friday, December 4, 2009

Home remedies for blackheads?

I know this has been a question that has been around FOREVER, but I was just wondering if there were any home remedies that works well for you that I should try. The best thing that I have tried is tape....please help.Home remedies for blackheads?
Cleanse your face with unboiled milk, gently rub a coarse cloth dipped in milk to remove the blackheads. Steam your face with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up its goodness. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.Home remedies for blackheads?
- put your head over hot water for a few minutes to open pores

- get good light and big mirror

- put tissue paper over fingers

- squeeze

- use toner or somesort of disinfectant after to stop infection


- you can also get these long metal sticks called black head removers, they have a tiny head to them wiht a hole in the middle that you press on blackhead to squeeze out
Swimming in salt water and sun helps. If you are not near the beach, try rinsing your face in salt water. Keep your hands off your face unless you have just washed them. Don't rest your face on your hands. Keep your hair away from your face. What sort of tape did you try?
it actually helps, but results are more prominent after you steam your face before using tape.
You could use salt or sand mixed in with a warm soap lather, then spot treat with toothpaste.
A cotton ball and some alcohol.

Put a non-scented lotion on afterwards (like baby lotion). You will be good as new.
I just squeeze. Gets 'em out of there.

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