Moisten some oatmeal and use that to scrub your face. It works!Any home remedies on getting rid of blackheads?
read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies on this site
boiling hot water- soak a face cloth in it, and then press it to your skin, it will open the skin up and you can remove the majority of them,
Then clean your skin regularly eith hot water and a good soap- odds are your facial skin produces allot of oil, and that combined with sweat- adds up to the black heads-
try murad
i know they really suck i get them around both my eyes and i was hoping i would find answers here but too much work and they constantly come back
raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, costs $5 a bottle at the health food store
steam your skin by heating 1 qt water, 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (ACV) drape a towel over the pan and your head. then dab some ACV over your skin to remove dirt. do this 3 times, steam, dab...then gently squeeze the blackheads. spray or dab on a chilled solution of half water half ACV to close pores and tone skin. do this twice a week.
use the ACV to clean your skin up to 4 times daily
drink 1-2 tablespoons, with honey if you like, in a glass of water each morning and evening..
Wash your face with baking soda. No joke, I do it twice each week. It's just abrasive enough to clean oput your pores without scratching your skin, and the acidity dries up the oil. Also, if you have a really bad pimple, put either a green tea bag (already used) on it for awhile, and it will take away the redness, but grind up as aspirin and mix it with a tiny bit of water to make a paste, and stick it on the pimple overnight or for 20 minutes during the day. My friend does modeling, and that works the best. Good luck hon!
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