I don't have the money to try anything expensive like Proactiv. I just want a quick way to make my face look clean.Home remedy for blackheads and occasionaly zits?
Witch Hazel is good for blackheads. It closes the pores keeping them from forming. Rub on with a cotton ball after washing your face.Home remedy for blackheads and occasionaly zits?
my doctor said mylanta Report Abuse
I had the same problem, for years. It really pissed me off that I should have been more popular, except for the pimples. I am smart and funny, but they just ate away at my self-esteem. I was determined to get rid of them by hook or by crook.
I tried a whole bunch of things like proactive and others but nothing seemed to work. I tried a few different books and ebooks and nothing helped. Then, I read an awesome e-book that will teach you all the home remedies that you will need to get rid of acne permanently. At first I thought it was too expensive, but then I realized that I pay this much like every month for pimple medicine and washes, and this was a one time thing. Best decision I ever made! They explained exactly what was causing the pimples and how I could stop them and get rid of them. My doctor told me that he knew ome of this stuff, but doctors never like to tell you natural stuff. they only like to tell you about medicines. Not only did it help me stop getting pimples, it also helped clear up my onld pimple scars, which were really pissing me off!
You can learn about the book at this link http://bambiberg.solution72.hop.clickbank.net
I tried some books from my dermatologist, but they didn't help me, plus I kept on forgetting to return them to the library. The best thing about the ebook is that i downloaded it right away, and i had the copy forever.
Here's a great remedy my friend just taught me:
-Smashed up avacados (he said to drink the juice inside first, I know sounds disgusting but just do it)
-Warm oatmeal
-Smashed up kiwi
And you mix it all together and put it on your face for about 5 minutes once a day...It might look really weird and gross and smell really gross but it works
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